Tao Te Ching
Fake Lao Tzu Quote"From wonder into wonder..."
This is NOT a quote from Tao Te Ching:"From wonder into wonder existence opens."
Existence would be a strange word in the mouth of Lao Tzu. He used an ancient expression, the ten thousand things, which meant the whole world and everything in it. Existence implies the opposite of non-existence, and what would that be? Lao Tzu had no interest in something illusionary. He talked about reality as he saw it, and the conditions to which it was bound. Wonder, on the other hand, is an expression he could relate to. He found so much in the workings of the world amazing, especially what he saw as everything's root: Tao, the Way. He frequently praised it in Tao Te Ching, calling it "the origin of all things" and yet it modestly "becomes one with the dust" (chapter 4, my version).
In these lines, the relation between what Bynner calls the core and the surface is explained (page 25):
I used "mystery" and "manifestations" for those two aspects of reality (earlier in the chapter). Here is my version of the same last lines:
What mystery or secret the gate opens to is indeed something unclear also after reading the following 80 chapters of Tao Te Ching. It might even be the essence of Tao — but it is not Tao itself, or Lao Tzu would just have used that word again, as he did three times in the opening line of that chapter, which is a play of words that Bynner's solution can't catch. Tao can be both a noun and a verb, so the line says: "The Tao that can be 'Taoed' is not the eternal Tao." In my version:
For more about Witter Bynner and his version of Tao Te Ching, see the chapter A man with outward courage.
Stefan Stenudd September 14, 2020.
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Other Books by Stefan StenuddClick the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).
Cosmos of the AncientsThe Greek philosophers and what they thought about cosmology, myth, and the gods.
Qi — Increase Your Life EnergyThe life energy qi (also chi or ki) explained, with exercises on how to awaken, increase and use it.
Aikido PrinciplesBasic concepts of the peaceful martial art. Aikido principles, philosophy, and fundamental ideas.
Life Energy EncyclopediaQi, prana, spirit, ruach, pneuma, and many other life forces around the world explained and compared.
Archetypes of MythologyJungian theories on myth and religion examined, from Carl G. Jung to Jordan B. Peterson.
Stefan StenuddAbout meI'm a Swedish author and aikido instructor. In addition to fiction, I've written books about Taoism and other East Asian traditions. I'm also an historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. Click the image to get to my personal website.Contact