Tao Te Ching
Fake Lao Tzu Quote"Figure out the rhythm of life..."![]()
This is NOT a quote from Tao Te Ching:"Figure out the rhythm of life and live in harmony with it."
This would make sense coming out of the mouth of someone like Miles Davis. There may be something like a rhythm of life and if there is, Miles Davis would probably have gotten it. He would have said: "Just play it!" We are born with a bang and then rush to follow the beat, which seems to accelerate by each year, until it all suddenly stops. Then there is silence. Harmony, too, is a concept familiar to any musician. Rhythm and harmony are not necessarily connected in music, but surely they are both enforced if joined.
The only book in which I have found the quote is the Kindle ebook Laozi: His Words from 2014, by Daniel Coenn. It is only 23 pages and most likely just a collection of quotes accredited to Lao Tzu found on the Internet. This one is not the only quote in the book falsely ascribed to Lao Tzu. But there are books making similar statements, also within the literature on Taoism, such as An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism: The Wisdom of the Sages from 2010, by Jean C. Cooper (1905-1999). It contains her book from 1972, Taoism: The Way of the Mystic, and some additional essays of hers. The introduction says about Taoism (page 1):
The expression "rhythm of life" is also used within Christian literature, where it signifies the time we have on earth, from birth to death, and how to do the best of it. For more on that, see my chapter There is a time to live, which deals with a quote somewhat similar to the one discussed here.
Stefan Stenudd September 14, 2020.
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